
This suite is designed to up-skill current practitioners within the fields of Government (CGAP), Financial Services (CFSA), and EHS (CPEA and CPSA).

As of 1 June 2020, all BEAC programs have been transferred to BGC. Kindly contact BGC directly on for application, exam registration, CPE and program questions.

CCSA, CFSA, CGAP Transition
As a result of various international market studies and recent market demands, the following certifications will be repositioned as stipulated below:

Certified Financial Services Auditor® (CFSA®) will undergo a transition to an assessment-based certificate program.
Certified Government Audit Professional® (CGAP®) will undergo a transition to an assessment-based certificate program.
As internal control is part of risk management, the relevant exam content for Certification in Control Self-Assessment® (CCSA®) will be considered for inclusion in the Certification in Risk Management Assurance® (CRMA®) exam in the following CRMA exam update.